December 10, 2005

  • Look who came to town and a new job? Who woulda thunk it…

    Let’s see, just a ton of things that have happened to me over the last week.

    For starters, looking for jobs while on a job (albeit not at
    the job that you are currently at, because that’s just not kosher or
    anyother kind of meat) is always tough.  Personally for me, it
    gets depressing. My minset is that, if I’m at a job, why should I look
    for a new one… I just got to where I am now and I’m happy. 
    However, I see the other side of the coin as well. We never stop
    changing and I know that it is always good to keep one’s options open.

    Like with Company #1: It was a great job. About 2 months later, I had
    to get out of it because the company didn’t want to get legal software
    after my repeated asking and telling of the consequences. That and the
    fact they wanted me to be a cold-caller with a script. It was at a Real
    Estate company.

    I was supposedly fired, but do to the fact that I had all documentation
    stating my job description, the fact that it had the cold-caller script
    that I was supposed to say on it and in my job description, I was more
    than happy to turn that into the government agency that Company #1
    hired me.

    Company #2: It was a great job as well.Good people, work was fairly
    steady. Boss was an old friend of mine from back in the grade school
    days. Things were great for 6 months and then my boss realized that the
    staff liked me more than him and started to make my life a living hell.
    But I stuck with it. Call it stubborness or the fact that I wanted to
    piss him off so much that I kept doing my job to the best of my
    ability, without any confrontations violent or otherwise. But, I did
    use the email and asked for clarification on issues that I wanted to
    make sure that I did things the way he wanted them done. That way I
    could say: “I did it the way you specified and reitterated to you
    exactly what you said…”

    I was let go because the last eight months or so, we had just been
    butting heads, he would go to the owners at the time and I would keep
    doing my job. Then one day I was told to come into his office, he said
    that he was letting me go. When I asked for a reason, he said that he
    didn’t have to give me one. He also wanted me to sign a piece of paper,
    I just got him to photocopy it and I handed in my phone and was
    escorted out of the building to the dismay of the staff, they didn’t
    realize that I had been let go.

    Apparently he had been on my computer, went into my email and gathered
    over 6 months worth of email and used that against me, etc…. Needless
    to say I was glad to go, but I wanted to go on my own terms.  That
    company now has gone through four IT Technicians and now they have my
    ex boss and two others working for him… go figure.  Still a
    great company. That was in the greenhouse industry.

    Company #3 and #4 have been documented already on this xlog so I won’t
    rehash the old siren bit and go into the details… you all know about

    Which brings us to Company #5… It is a great company. The people are
    good. The work isn’t challenging. My boss is amazing as a person. He’s
    funny. Loves to play video games. The other person I work with is a
    cool guy. Love to play video games. They are all good people to work
    with. No one is threatened by each other. Everyone works extremely well
    together. It is the best work atmosphere that I have been in siince I
    have started over seven or eight years ago…

    So when I went for a written test, for a possible Company #6, 30
    multiple choice questions. I was the first to complete them. I had to
    deal with 5 other people there: two of them female, two of them male of
    a visible minority and myself, male caucassion.

    A few days ago I received a call on my answer machine they want a second interview…

    I don’t know why but I have mixed feelings about it. Sure it is more
    money. It is steady full time hours. The pension is great. But like all
    jobs, is there security? Who knows…

    As for who came to town, my dad did from the big city of the T.Dot. We
    had dinner last night at a Steak House, and not just any steak house,
    Ye Ol’ Steak House… been around for over 30 years. Excellent meal.

    Then I drove him to his friends house who I’ve known for as long as
    I’ve met them. Their daughter apparently played World of Warcraft…
    and you know my ears immeidately perked up at that lol… So I went in,
    showed her how to get a new interface through and I
    realized that it was MC night. She hadn’t been to MC, so I hoped on,
    asked to be put on the list and got to show her Ragnaros… by fiber be
    purged! She was so amazing at it :)

    So amazing that she called her boyfriend and said non-stop that I was
    an amazing player that had all epic pieces, trinkets coming out my ass
    and soo many rings that I didn’t have enough fingers.  Then she
    got to see the full fight of Ragnaros and I took many many screenshots.
    We finished at 1am EST. Got to love the West coast servers.

    I have to go back and hook up their wireless router to that computer so
    she can take a full account of the game instead of the dialup she has
    been used to.

    I won’t be able to play Onyxia tonight… or maybe I will try ;) But no BWL for me :( Oh well, what can you do.

    Let me know what you think about the job situation, I am curious to hear your thoughts, that I am.

    Vx Out

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