March 20, 2006

  • Apparently I piss off people easily… well, that goes both ways, bub.

    game1   Audio pronunciation of "Game" ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (gm)

    1. An activity providing entertainment or amusement;
      1. A competitive activity or sport in which players contend with each other according to a set of rules: the game of basketball; the game of gin rummy.
      2. A period of competition or challenge: It was too late in the game to change the schedule of the project.
      3. An active
        interest or pursuit, especially one involving competitive engagement or
        adherence to rules: “the way the system operates, the access
        game, the turf game, the image game” (Hedrick Smith).
    2. Informal.
      1. Evasive, trifling, or manipulative behavior: wanted a straight answer, not more of their tiresome games.
      2. A calculated strategy or approach; a scheme: I saw through their game from the very beginning.

    a·pol·o·gy   Audio pronunciation of "Apology" ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (-pl-j)
    n. pl. a·pol·o·gies

    1. An acknowledgment expressing regret or asking pardon for a fault or offense.
      1. A formal justification or defense.
      2. An explanation or excuse: “The consequence of those measures will be the best apology for my conduct” (Daniel Defoe).

    That is what World of Warcraft was…. or rather that is what I thought it was…. Apparently, when a person joins a party, raid or other function that he should inform the party members of his/her actions and anything and everything he/she has done in the last three months, filling out the proper forms in triplicate and coming into work on Saturday… Mmmm Kay? good…

    Either way I think that I may take a long break from the game…

    Here’s the situation:
    The fact that I was in a 5 person group in BRD and queued up for Battle Grounds (which I have done in the past and nothing is wrong with that, BG’s take one hell of a long time to get in…) we had just completed a quest of mine (my only one there) and then WSG Pops and I autojoin it. I try to tell my group about it but I’ve already been kicked from the party, two people have called me a ninja and already ignored my replies and have contacted my guild officier, who proceeds to chew me out while I’m still playing WSG… that I should either Farm while waiting for a Queue or just straight instance… I should be able to do both, just inform the people constantly of my actions…

    I tried in all honestly to apologize for the situation that happened. But I couldn’t.

    The Solution:
    This is a game people. It is meant for many causal people to join together and have fun. People make mistakes. Live with it. Worse comes to worse don’t group with that person. Yes, you could put them on ignore, but only use that as a last resort. 99% of the people are truly sorry, like myself… However, yes, there are those that are out there, you know the 1% that will ninja an item and say it was by accident and such… those you put on ignore…

    A better solution. Quit the game, save money and go work out, practise JJ, work on websites, anything but game.

    The sky is the sky. The ground is the ground and Work is still Work.

    Work has gotten a type bit busier… a tiny bit.. instead of 8 hours of WoW I got in about 5 or 6… yes I was shocked too but that’s ok. I would prefer to be busy at work then playing. People say: “Where do you work? I want to work there…” Well if you insist… But if you have a higher paying job then mine, so be it I will most definitely take your job. Speaking of jobs, remember that one I applied to a few posts back. It was in the paper again :) Same job, same company better pay.. apparently the hiree that they got didn’t pan out… Looks like Round 2 for me. We shall see.


    Quote of the day:

    Officier: “Don’t you think about your actions?”

    Vx (In-game): (sarcasticly) “Yes, I do. I decide to wake up every morning and say to myself. Gee-whiz, what can I do to spoil the good name of my guild today? Hmm, I know, I’ll leave a 5man for a battlegrounds. Or I’ll Ninja Loot an item when everyone else got an item and didn’t respond to my asking… or better yet, I’ll just go to every single guild and call them a fucktard…” Do you see the absurdity of what you are asking me?

    Vx Gamed Out

March 15, 2006

  • Ugggg… arrrgghhhh… Bleh

    I’m sick.

    No, not twisted sick… (well I am sometimes…)… But more along the lines of Flu type symptoms sick.. Sore and aching muscles. Sore throat. Blowing my nose constantly… etc etc.. .all the fun stuff…

    It’s been a rough week so far. I’m going to work, they know I’m sick but I don’t want to take anymore PPH days off..I’ve used 3 out of 4 already… But, other than that I’ve been busy, catching up on my Cartoon watching… and I used to watch alot of cartoons, when they were good… like the Animanics, X-Men, Spiderman but I degress.

    Finished the following:
    - Elfen Lied
    - Hunter X Hunter Episodes 1- 62, OVA’s 1 and 2 (watching 3)

    - .Hack // Sign – For those of you that play World of Warcraft… yes, its a new game out there and not taking off as it originally intended ;) just kidding… this anime is about a person stuck inside a game, unable to get out…

    Now, if you play WoW AND watch this anime, the similarities are striking… (Actually the “World” in the Anime looks more like Final Fantasy than WoW, but that’s besides the point)… It sometimes gets scary…

    - and probably more Anime, but I can’t think straight right now…

    WoW… still playing that huh?

    Yup, we have been to BWL and cleared from Razor up until Chromagus… The Druids and the Locks are still getting the love. Priests are going to be updated and then finally the mages… I truly fear for us…  I know Blizzard will screw things up.. its just a matter of time. But I did end up getting my preccciiooussss :) yes, my Staff of Dominance! But, the downside, my Netherwind pants dropped off Rag as well… They will drop again, I’m sure of it…

    So, I’ll head to bed, get sleep early and then get up and goto work the rest of the week… fun

    Vx Grogily out… zzzzz


March 6, 2006

  • Welcome… to the Real World…

    ‘Tis a famous quote by none other than Lawrence Fishbourne from the Matrix and yet it has a profound impact on many peoples lives… That’s what the wonderful and talented Numfar (without doing the Dance of Reality Check) commented on mine.

    Now, I know she’s right… But, it’s really cold out there… and I’m really not into the bar scene anymore…  But I enjoy talking with people in a relaxed setting and enjoying a good conversation. I’m a geek yes, but a cultured geek… I mean I thought I was a hardkore geek, but I was told I wasn’t. I enjoy good food, a nice bottle of wine and people that enjoy a good laugh.

    I’ve had alot of time on my hands recently, as if you haven’t noticed… I recently picked up the XBox port FABLE: The Lost Chapters for the computer… Beat it in three days… Maybe this time I’ll play on the good side … Maybe…

    I’ve DL’d a ton of Anime, thanks to a guildmate that sent me a list… So, I’ve gotten the following:

    Hunter X Hunter (62 Episodes + OVA’s 1 and 2) – Finished Watching all 62 Episodes… up till about 4am on Friday, Saturday…
    Hack Sign – If you’ve played alot of WoW (and who here hasn’t), this is about a person trapped inside a game on the net (which strangely enough looks like Final Fantasy) It’s rather interesting.
    Elfen Lied – upto Episode 4, its a really weird series…
    Samurai 7
    Ninja Scroll – upto Episode 10 out of 13.

    Will probably DL: Hellsing, Berserk,  Wolf’s Rain, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Witch Hunter Robin

    The only real reason I’m doing this is two-fold…
    1) I’m broke, I put alot of money into topping up my Taxes for this year.
    2) I love Anime with the original Japanese and english subs.
    3) it’s not golf season yet…

    Did I mention it is cold out? No?… well it is.

    Also, side note, Firemaw will soon die tonight.. we have the people, we have the strat… its all a matter of execution-style precision.

    Vx Out… Mooo

March 2, 2006

  • WoW… you are really bored ain’t cha…

    Let’s see… I’ve already maxxed out my weekly allotment of WoW time… I think I’ve done about 80 hours this week. Mind you it doesn’t set any records that I’ve done in the past for WoW or any other game for that matter…

    My guild has been fine. In fact I can’t think of a better guild to be in. We are a ‘causal’ raiding guild that’s for sure, but it seems that we are raiding at least everyday.  Recently I got my third character to 60. Well, second, I still have a 53 Warlock that I’ll eventually get to 60…

    But recently, I’ve been a bother to the guild and I didn’t even know it. Apparently they are fine with me getting ‘excited’ over ‘loot’ but they don’t want to hear it excessively in the guild chat. Apparently many, many guildmates have been compaining about it.

    Wow… I feel that I’m an approachable person, in game and in general.

    I mean, I’m not spamming that I got item xxx, and item yyy fifty-million times in the guild channel. Sheesh… Besides, I just need the Baron’s Cape and I’ll have everything that I set out to get.


    Work’s that slow that you are doing what?

    Because work is so slow, I picked up Fable: The Lost Chapters. It’s an XBox (original non-circular aka 360 game) that was ported to the computer. Controls aren’t that bad actually and with my finely tuned skills and many years of gaming patience… (ok I downloaded a trainer :P sue me). I’m having a blast with it. I’m playing it at work as well as at home.

    I’ve also been working on the websites with photoshop. It is surprisingly easy too, once you have instruction :) and the wheels of the brain and smell the smoke burning et, all cliches where I’m starting to get back into the website design business again… You know since I have so much time on my hands…

    Quote of the Day:

    Conversation between CM and myself:
    Vx: I was severly evil and donated 15 million gold a few times to the Good God temple and I’m a frickin saint lol.. Seriously I have a halo and butterflys around my head… It makes it hard to sleep at night… Not to mention my multiple wives that I’ve got all over town.
    CM: Thank the gods, its only a game…
    Vx: Yes … a game…
    CM: Ya.. wait.. what?

    There is no Moo Level…

    Vx Out

February 17, 2006

  • I’m not dead either.. nor is my long lost twin

    *WARNING* This post contains an excessive amount of Swearing, griping, bitching and Moaning… if any of this offends you… Tough shit. Move onto the next XLog. This is my space :P

    *WARNING* Don’t lick a stamp with glue after you have tasted Orange juice… it just doesn’t sit well with you…

    It has been one reeaalllyyyy long ass week…

    To start, I just learned that I had a shitload of excessive RRSP room to contribute towards my taxes. So my bank account has been cut in half and I had to take out a loan to cover the other half… That’s just the beginning. I learned that my financial advisor whom I had been dealing with for the last five or six years, is cutting back her hours… she’s retiring… Thus, I got to meet my new financial advisor. One who was ‘closer to my age bracket, due to the lead financial advisors retiring sometime soon’ and the fact that this company purchased two other companies to merge into them… ya, that was a shock as well.

    Oh, and that loan, I’ll have to pay it back for a full year with monthly installments… Let’s hope my job stays up…

    Soooo, that means that I won’t be doing anything for the next six months or so. Which means I’ll be taking full advantage of that gym membership while I can… it’s going to be a rough year…

    If you haven’t noticed… I’m tired. Just plain tired. I haven’t done fuck all here at work for the last five months or so. There is only so much one can say: “Anything on the agenda? Anything need to be done? Hmm? Was there something that needed to be done?”

    Mother worries, “You have to be more active at work. Isn’t there anything you can do?”
    I laugh… smile and say, “There’s nothing I can do. I can only ask so many times…”

    Guess I should brush off the resume and start posting for newer jobs…  I hate the fact that I have to keep doing this… There is no job security and the fact that I’m in the auto industry (be it as an Information Technologist) it is still a risky business overall. The Computer job market hasn’t solidified in years. Not since the bubble burst back in 1998.

    WoW Servers have been up and mostly down for the last two weeks. CoderMike said it best: “Server Realm is down for 30 minutes… Now it’s changed from 30 minutes to who the fuck knows, eta…”

    My Alt Aikida, is now a level 59 Rogue… going on 15 days 11hours and xx minutes… I should easily be able to get to 60 before the 16th day.. that will best my previous level 60 main mage, Fistand… who was at 19 days 15 hours, and change.

    I’m still practising JJ. I really need to work on my back rolls though… I think I’ll head to the gym tomorrow and get cardio going…

    I’ve been watching the Anime: BLEACH, onto the second season episode 33 or 35 I think … I’m really impressed with it. It’s been fansubbed by Lunar, doesn’t mean anything to mean but I can enjoy it and read it :)

    Work’s almost done…

    Night all.. BWL looks like its cancelled

    This post goes out to my Long Lost Twin… keep the faith and if all else fails, Aimed shot FTW… Or chat with Numfar to relieve your stress :)

    Vx out

February 11, 2006

  • By Fiber be purged!

    This has been a cluster fuck of a weekend so far…

    For starters I’m still stuck on my script.  I don’t know where to go in the story Hanging in the Balance (Look to February 2 days ago from this post)

    BWL was cancelled because a number of guildies went and met each other in California… Lucky buggers… but haven’t they heard of LAN Parties :D … For the good of the guild, that it is. Priorites, you know how they go.  Just had a Hunter lagged right through a pissed off Ragnaros tonight and wiped us after we got the FR buff…  and for two weeks straight Rag has been bugged and keeps attacking when he is supposed to be under the lava… F’in Blizzard….

    I did manage to get my haircut. It’s much shorter… which is good. I have to give my female hairdresser Dan Brown’s Angel and Demons and DaVinci Code for her to read. I’ve read through DaVinci twice. Still a great book.

    I did manage to get an appointment with my financial advisor about what I can put into my income tax forms…

    I was supposed to go over to a friends house and play Texas Hold ‘em but he didn’t return my calls. So I sat at home and leveled.

    The Real Estate website I was doing. I sent him my front page ideas, dropped him a ‘please respond to my email, email” nothing…

    The Nutrition one, the advertising and logo creation company isn’t done etc…

    JJ, I didn’t get my Green belt because of my work schedule, week days, week nights. I didn’t expect a ‘pity belt’. If I don’t know the stuff then I don’t know it. So I have two months to train and learn all of the Orange to Green syllibi, or is it bus…

    Other than that nothing too much happening lately, how about you all?

    Vx Out and tired… but with a short-ish haircut.

February 9, 2006

  • I have been Tagged by my Long Lost Twin; Thank god he didn’t give me a wet willy in the process :P

    • 4 jobs that I have had – City Worker (Grass Cutting, Setting up for fesitvals), Computer Technician, Computer Website Developer, Tool & Die Painter/Plant Shut-downer
    • 4 movies I could watch all the timeFerris Bueller’s Day off (Bueller?  Bueller?), The Princess Bride (inconceivable!), Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Listen, strange women lyin’ in ponds distributin’ swords is no basis for a system of government) and The Man with Two Brains (O pointy birds, o pointy pointy, anoint my head, anointy-nointy).
    • 4 places which I have lived – Small Town #1, Small Town #2 (nothing as exotic as my LLT though :( )
    • 4 TV shows I love to watch – Smallville, Stargate: SG-1, Buffy, Angel, Highlander, American Dad, Family Guy, Simpsons
    • 4 websites I visit regularlyNumfar, LLT, Penny Arcade (and about 40 other webcomics), Tom’s Hardware Guide, Red vs. Blue
    • 4 favorite foods – Fish, Sushi (any and all, I will and probably have eatten many different varities), Snickers, Italian/French.
    • 4 favorite bands – Led Zepplinn, AC/DC, really into Anime OST’s right now, anyone else except lip sinking songtresses and country/hardkore rap.
    • 4 places I’d rather be – Japan teaching English, Spending everyday practising Jiu-Jitsu, Spending all my time somewhere other than here. Meeting up with my Long Lost Twin and the ever beautiful and popular Numfar

    I chooooossseee you! Go! Redneck Confessionals, Go! Leylach, Go! Xpectin Miracles, and Go! Nina Williams

    Thus ends another Vx Out postage

February 4, 2006

  • Hanging in the Balance.. that’s a movie script I’m I’m not hanging, well I am.


    Here’s my movie script so far… it needs tweeking… and yes this work is copyrighted by me, anyone else copying this without expressed hand-written consent by myself will be shot, hung and quartered… barring that, they’ll just be sued.

    Hanging in the Balance…

    It was the time of year that one who walked outside would
    look into the sky, shiver and toss on a jacket. But, where I was going I didn’t
    think I’d be that cold.  I’m not a
    violent person. I cross my “t’s” and dot my “I’s”. I’m the type of person that
    you could pass in the street and not give a second glance.

    I usually don’t hang out in places like this. I usually
    don’t get mixed up with people like that. I wouldn’t be in this mess if Harry
    was around. Mind you, that’s how I got mixed up in this situation to begin
    with. That’s how I met Bill.

    During the war, I was your typical grunt. Tell me where to
    go, what to do and it would get done. Harry and Bill were my commanding
    officiers at the time. Corporal Harry Sampson. A rough and tumble kind of guy
    with firey red hair and a personality to match. He was in his late 30’s at the
    time, Dutch-Irish and a man that saved my life more times than I cared to
    count. I’d take a bullet for that man, luckily during that time I didn’t have

    We were on routine patrol when the skies opened up, not in
    rain, but a hail of bullets and blood. We were pinned down and desperately
    hanging on. Our radio operator got off one call for help and our location and
    his head exploded. I didn’t expect to live that day…

    But, like an angel, or maybe a devil, Brigadier-General
    William MacLeod, was in our neck of the woods and with fire and brimstone, and
    a few well placed grenades, the enemy was flushed out and routed.

    The general was an imposing figure to be certain. A man of
    his late 40’s at the time, Scottish decent. He and Harry hit it off famously,
    being from the same ‘island’ and all. They told each other stories of glorious
    battle during the war over drinks and of even more glorious conquests.

    Being the grunt of the group I ended up being the
    bartender/waiter for many of their sessions and even joined in a few. The war
    passed by rather quickly after that… Then we went about our ways.

    I tried not to think about the war, because as they say:
    “War is Hell, son”. Ain’t that a fact, sir.

    Fifteen years later I was living comfortably in the suburbs,
    alone. Neighbours didn’t bother me, I even ended up getting a job as an
    accountant. I was wondering downtown after a hard day crunching the numbers
    when I stopped into a local pub that had been there for years.

    I wasn’t really paying attention when a loud, booming voice
    shouting at me.

    “What in BLOODY Hell are you doing dressed like that, Grunt!
    Stand at attention when I’m addressing you!” the menacing voice blared at me.

    Maybe I was tired… maybe it was all the years in the service
    but, I’ll be a son of a bitch and stood rigid at attention eyes forward and

    The whole bar erupted in laughter.

    Slowly looking around, (still at attention mind you), I
    noticed the bartender, with the biggest shit eating grin on his face, laughing
    so hard tears were coming down his face. He motioned me over.

    The gentleman at the bar was none other than
    Brigeadier-General William MacLeod! The years had been kind to him. He was in a
    fancy bartender’s outfit in his late 60’s but still as fit as ever. He tossed
    me a drink.

    We chatted about the old days. He retired shortly after my
    campaign and settled down in civilian life and opened a bar.

    “Aye, the best bar in town so the papers say and my
    costumers as well. I’ve had a packed house everyday for neigh, going on ten
    years now.”

    I chatted about my life, being an accountant, Bill nodded
    and poured me another drink.

    “Did ye hear about Harry?” Bill inquired.

    That perked up my ears, I had lost contact after the war. I
    tried getting a hold of him through normal channels and even a few I had dug up
    while in the military but I couldn’t get ahold of him.

    “No, what about him? Last I heard he was still in the
    military…” I replied.

    “Ack! Laddie, did a grenade blow up too close to your ear and give ye brain
    damage?” Bill said.

    I shook my head no… Bill continued.

    “No, that little skirmish you guys were tangled in all those
    years ago was no coincidence… It was a setup. Harry was playing for both
    sides…” Bill stated.

    “I… I … can’t believe that he saved my ass more times than I
    care to remember.” I stammered.

    “’Tis true lad. Of course I didn’t just happen to be in the
    neighbourhood that day either mind you. I was sent by Intelligence to flush him
    out. But, he gave me the slip soon after you left, and I got word that he died
    in a napalm explosion. Thing is, his body was burned beyond recognition and
    well, dental records weren’t that great back then. I was made to retire from
    the military because I failed to bring him in… But, enough about the past,
    let’s toast to the future.” Bill’s smile returned and poured me another drink.

    It was a lot to take in. I stumbled back home and into bed.
    I was just getting into a deep sleep when the phone rang.

    “Hello” I answered groggily.

    “Hello” a woman’s voice replied. “I have a favour to ask of

    “If this is Mrs. Schafter, you can call back during regular
    business hours… it’s 3am…”

    “This isn’t Mrs. Schafter, it’s a friend. I have a favour to
    ask of you.” The woman’s voice was insistent.

    “What could be so important to wake me up at 3am?” I

    She only spoke one word, but it was enough to wake me up,

    “Where and when?” I asked.

    She relayed the information.

    It was going to be a long night.


    Bill took a long drag of the cigarette and peered intently
    at the smoke slowly billowing from the charred tip. He let it slip through his
    fingers and fall to the ground. How long had it been, since he had seen the
    Grunt? Or even uttered the name Harry for that matter?


    He shook his head to clear the cobwebs and ran his fingers
    through his salty hair. Too long… Time has flown by.

    Bill walked to the front door of his bar. “The best bar in
    town” the papers raved. Bill didn’t mind the attention. He was after all
    retired. Emma had passed away years ago and she had wanted him to be happy.

    Absentmindedly he said to himself, “There are two kinds of
    people that come to my bar. Did you know that? There are those that want to
    celebrate life and those that want to drink their sorrows away. Do you know
    which one you are here for?”

    A voice replied: “Do you?”

    Bill slowly turned around and smiled. “I was wondering how
    long it would take for you to show up.”

    “Care for a drink?” Bill walked over to the bar and reached under
    the counter.

    “You won’t need that.” the voice replied brandishing the
    shotgun that was under Bill’s bar.

    Bill sighed, straightened up his jacket.

    A shot rang out.


    Before I could meet with Harry, I had to clear up a few
    matters with an old friend. My pastor had been in the war. While she wasn’t an
    avid fighter she was a comfort for one’s soul be it his last breathe or to ease
    his mind during the senseless slaughter that one did in a war.

    “Bless me father for I have sinned.” I said.

    “How many times do I have to tell you, it’s Mother. Bless me
    Mother, for I have sinned… You were just as stubborn back then as you are now.”
    Sheila stated exasperatedly.

    I chuckled and said. “I always knew which buttons to press.”

    “That you most certainly did.” Sheila gazed into my eyes and

    “There are only three reasons why you would come to see me…
    One, you want to take me out to dinner. Two, you are in trouble and need
    sanctuary. Three, you have something on your mind. Which is it?”

    Sheila was always a mind reader. I always wondered why she
    wasn’t a physic on those late night talk-shows… but everyone has a calling I
    guess. Sheila’s was helping people.

    I sighed. “It’s Harry.”

    Sheila was taken aback. “Harry’s dead… I can even show you
    his grave…”

    “Funny thing is that I ran into Bill yesterday. He had some
    interesting things to say about Harry.” I was still trying to ponder what Bill
    had told me when Sheila broke my train of thought.

    “Well, I might as well tell you what he told me…” Sheila sat
    on the ground and motioned me to sit beside her. “Since he’s dead, I guess I
    can finally tell you what he told me…”

    Staring off into the distance, Sheila began her tale.

    “I had only been in the army for about six months when Harry
    came to talk to me…He, like many others, was having some pretty hard
    adjustments to the war.”

    Flashback to the war…

    “Padre. I have seen and done many horrific things. When I
    meet my maker, will I goto Heaven or Hell?” Harry asked sullenly.

    “Well it all depends on our actions and of course, our
    faith… But what is really troubling you?” Sheila asked seriously.

    “Do you feel this war is right? Is it just?” Harry asked
    seriously. “Are we truly fighting for the right side? I don’t know maybe I’m
    just too tired and am rambling”

    Sheila looked worried at Harry. “Maybe it’s best that you
    rest for the night. Come talk to me tomorrow.”

    *End Flashback*

    Sheila sighed. We stood at Harry’s grave. It read. “A simple
    man lay here, with a heart of gold.” Sheila took a cigarette that I offered her
    and took a drag and handed it back to me.

    She continued her story. “He never came back after that
    night. As far as I know, he was sent on recon to some remote sector.
    Communications were crossed and the site was napalmed. Nothing survived. Rumors
    spread that Harry was going in undercover to that zone. Others said that he was
    a double agent.”

    “What do you believe?” I asked her.

    Sheila thought a moment, stood up, smiled and replied: “I believe
    that I’m hungry and you’re taking me out to dinner.”

    “I know the best bar in town… Care to join me?” I asked.

    (not sure if I want to add this or not)
    “You mean Bill’s pub? Sure why not I could use a burger.”
    She stated.


     In WoW news… I beat Vael. I should say, We as a guild beat him, but it was the strat that I found that beat him… Did I get any credit? nope. Luckily their wasn’t any Mage loot so its all good. We then worked our way until the Fourth boss to get to the third boss.. but  it was 3am and we wiped. All in all it was fun, enmasse AoEing…  PS… World server crashed Hardcore… we’d better get a month free.

    Anyhow, Read the above over and lemme know what you think,etc. All comments welcome and appreciated.

    We’re going Ol’School, you can’t touch this

    I was cleaning out my closet, when I happenanced (sp) upon a very old collection. Floppy disks that held some of the best games of the time. The year was 1996-1997. I remember them well. Games like:

    Battle of Britain, X-Wing, TIE Figher, LucasArts Classic 1 with Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Monkey Island, Zak McCracken, Haunted Mansion, X-Com: Terror from the Deep.

    To name a few… Ah I remember them well. I even found my first programming program that I used. Turing! If only I could find the Star Wars Movies I made, with music as well :D

    Geekage here I come.

    Vx Out…

February 1, 2006

  • The Movies! Plus, my attempt at Machinima

    I’ve been working with the game: The Movies for a while now, and have decided to try my hand at Machinima. For those of you that do not know what Machinima is, I refer you towards Red vs. Blue (as I have done in the past). A person takes a game and uses the characters in game to create movies.  In this case you are taking characters that you have created and make movies in the game.

    I have a few scenes started and I’ll add them in here… But I’m kinda stuck at the moment…

    Vx still pondering the next scenes

January 27, 2006

  • What do you want on your Tombstone…

    I’m not sure if you remember that commercial back in the mid-90′s but they were catchy… usually all comedy quickies, 30 seconds. But it would always end: What do you want on your Tombstone? Pepperoni and Mushrooms please…

    Reason I bring this up, my Mother talked with me one morning before I was going to work and she was going to work…. completely out of the blue:

    Mother: So I was thinking that I wanted; To live in the hears of those we love is never to die.
    Vx: Huh?!
    Mother: For my tombstone…
    Vx: um.. why?
    Mother: Well we went to a funeral home and decided to get them made, so what do you think?
    Vx: well, what else do you have?
    Mother: Forever in our Hearts; What we keep in memory is ours unchanged forever; Blessed are the pure in hear, for they shall see God…
    Vx: No on the last one too religious
    Mother: That’s not too religious… how about ‘The kiss of the sun for pardon, the ssong of the birds for mirth, One’s nearer God’s heart in a garden, than anywhere else on earth.’
    Vx: What are you quoting Shakespear? Let me write something then…

    So I came up with the following:

    Quote 1: Even though they are gone, they are always in our hearts.
    Quote 2: Even though they have left our side, they live on in our hears, always.

    Mother combined them for the following:

    No longer by our sides. Always, in our hearts OR
    No longer by our side. They will live on in our hearts, always

    She called me on my cell to tell me that she made these changes… I was charging  my cell phone and had to reach for it, I nearly went into a ditch…

    Vx: Hello?
    Mother; Hi it’s me… here I combined (see above) how does that sound?
    Vx: Um, good.. You realize that I almost went into a ditch getting my cell phone?
    Mother: Oh really? We’ll talk about this when I get home… loveyoutalktoyoulaterbye….
    Vx: love you too, bye…

    Glad to see that she cares :)

    Work, BWL, AutoCAD and class

    I’ve been actually doing a fair bit of work.. today was the busiest day that I’ve had in a very long time… Mainly because the Email Server was down because of corrupted Database, etc.. so I was answering phones today, setup a wireless connection, blarg blarg, honk honk later and got in some time at WoW (big surprise huh)…

    For the past few days, I’ve been designing a pair of tinted glasses that fold over someone’s normal glasses… which is cool I guess and I got it done, and it was a fun thing to do, but a pain in the ass lol… I mean I wasted good WoW playing time to do actual work ;) … But you know what they say, if you don’t use it, it’ll rust.

    WoW was fun last week, ended up finally beating the first boss of BWL.  Now we beat him again, got my 2nd out of 8 pieces for my Netherwind… now onto Boss #2… 3min fight, unload everything you have on him and hope for the best….

    It’s been a week and I miss it…

    Class was a blast on Wednesday… I ran the warmup then a ton of breakfalls, throws and technical randori since our Sensei was on vacation. BigBen ran the class and it was fun, got thrown around alot, got in some fun ground fighting, but I miss the week to week class…So I push myself to do all the things that I can and learn as much as I can.

    Hopefully there will be a seminar in NS coming up that way I can see N again :D and have another kick ass time in NS. I might even bring a Camera.

    Not even sure if there are any movies on this weekend…

    Vx Out